Company Information

The Dutch Selection

Nieuwstraat 20B
2266 AD Leidschendam
The Netherlands
+31 70 701 3304

Registered Office

Chamber of commerce number: 60562188
VAT identification number: NL853962273B01

Managing Directors

Thomas Borsboom
Simon Hamer
Martijn van Leeuwen
Gerard Meijer
Lucas van Reeken

For any questions, inquiries or suggestions, please contact The Dutch Selection customer service at

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The Dutch Selection B.V. in no way guarantees that the information in this website is complete, correct or current. This also applies to all links that are either directly or indirectly referred to on this website. The Dutch Selection B.V. accepts no responsibility for the content of pages that are reached via such links. The Dutch Selection B.V. reserves the right to change or supplement the content and information on this website without prior notice.

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